Friday, September 24, 2010

Catch(her) in the Rye

One of the main reasons for pursuing this job opportunity was the EXPERIENCE this trip would allow for me. And guess what, there hasn't been a day since setting foot on UAE soil that I haven't experienced something new, outrageous, complicated, exciting, different, strange, and just plain abnormal.

Barbara and I went to the mall the other day, to get a bite to eat. Nothing out of the ordinary....a trip to the food court or one of the MANY cafes around the mall. As I am sitting there, enjoying my chicken pasta, a good conversation, and company of a good friend, there is a sudden burst of anger from behind me. There, in the middle of the mall, were two groups of guys....yelling at each other (in Arabic) and beginning the start of a fight. After a short acceleration and choice words, the groups went their separate ways. What just happened???

With a look of confusion, as it is normally plastered to my face, Barbara said, "There goes the Emirati style of dating for"

So, being the people watcher that I am, the next 10 minutes of my life was spent observing....the life of an Emirati and dating.

Mind you, I said I was here for the experience. The experiences here are like no other, and very different to what I am accustomed to, but that is why I am here. So, here goes, "Emirati Dating:101"

Around 3:30 in the afternoon, this marks the prime time for the Emirati girls to visit the malls, to walk, shop, etc. Dressed in the typical worn abaya, sheila around the head/hair, and high heels (some so high, I think I would kill myself trying to walk in them)....these girls cruise up and down the mall; in and out of shops, up the escalator stairs, and to the food court they go. You would expect nothing less of a female, right?

The Emirati boys, dressed in their typical worn white kandora and saturated with some of the best smelling colognes, in the words of Jersey Shore, they start their "creeping." They follow the Emirati girls, in and out of shops, up the escalator stairs, and to the food court. They will follow behind them, just enough distance between them, but will follow. Some will actually approach one of the ladies, chat a bit, but mostly just follow.

Now, one of the really cool things about this process is the visual aspect. Based on the females choice, some ladies cover more than others. So, there are ladies that just cover their hair or there are ladies that cover their entire face. So, this Emirati dating game is quite interesting, because the guys don't always know what the girls look like. In fact, the more covered the female is, the more guys follow her.

The other side to this, are the girls that cover just their hair. Some ladies go the natural look and are quite beautiful, but then, there are those that dress like the Emirati version of Barbie...they have so much makeup plastered to their faces, you just don't know what to think.

In the eyes of the viewer, none of this would really look abnormal. It simply looks like a cluster of girlfriends going to the mall together, for fun. Then, of course, you have a group of guys, with their buddies, going to the mall. It is all about first, who you know that can tell you this stuff. But also, watching each of the guys and their "stroll" (walk), the distance they leave behind the group of girls, and finally- the funniest part of this process, how the guys hang around the group of girls when they enter a store. The boys will linger, pace back and forth, waiting for the girls to exit the store, in order to continue following.

Best part for the females...if the girl isn't interested, they simply call their driver or someone to come get them.....they will sit and wait, until they are fetched. Like a dog, tail tucked and dragging to the floor, the boys walk on and find another group.

So, who will eventually catch her?

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