Sunday, December 5, 2010

Turkey and the Junkie

Having left the United States 3 months ago, my life has been turned upside down, shaken, and stirred. I had not realized how important a set schedule had become to my life and just how strictly it was followed- anything from house cleaning day (Sat.), TV show schedule, dinner nights with friends, meetings, etc.

Another thing about leaving your home country, one doesn't always think about the traditions that are lost. We fall captive of our own doings, celebrations, and beliefs, yet forget that not everyone else is held in captivity too.

Television in this country has been a hardship. I used to have a set schedule of shows:

Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters, Grey's Anatomy Oprah, Dr. Phil, The Doctor's, Glee, Biggest Loser, etc.

All of which are seasons behind, so my Junkie days of TV watching are over. It is actually nice not having to depend on watching TV shows, but instead living life! TV has become of little importance to me lately, which made me realize how much I depended on it back home!

I am writing this, having just passed through Thanksgiving. Giving thanks to a years plentiful harvest, and not forgetting the newly developed relationship between Native Americans and the Pilgrims. But yet, the Pilgrims didn't land in Abu Dhabi, UAE to meet the Native what do they have to be thankful for? Nothing I suppose, if you label thanks under a day. And, this is where the story begins.

Thanksgiving Day, Thursday Nov.25th. Being in a land of so many ex-patriots, Americans especially,you find yourself longing for a tradition that you are so used to. I had awakened that morning, looking at my watch all day, mapping out what the family back home was doing. I was living the life of "Turkey Day" through a watch, past memories, and 7,000 miles away. I could picture my mom putting the turkey in the oven, along with that stupid ham that I hate the smell of. I had green been casserole, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie dancing around my head. It was that day, I realized how many traditions I am losing for the next 2-3 years of my life.

As the day started to end, I had a sudden sadness hit...I realized that I was going to get through Thanksgiving Day and not have a TURKEY meal. We, myself and a few friends, had decided that we would go "celebrate" Thanksgiving by having dinner. We had decided to go to one of our favorite hot spots, The One. I had walked in planning to have my normal routine meal, create your own pasta dish. But, there upon the menu, a Thanksgiving meal. Turkey, dressing, stuffing, carrots, etc. The feast was upon me, UAE style. Although it would never compare to what I would have at home, it was the thought. It was the mere fact that I had put the tradition monster to sleep...I had my turkey day!

So although it isn't the tradition I am used to....this experience was about making new traditions. Heck, I consider myself the luckiest gal ever...I have old traditions to fall back on and new ones to add.

So, wherever you are, wherever you were, and however you did it...I hope everyone had a wonderful Turkey Day!

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