Saturday, February 26, 2011


It was 7 months ago that I packed up the pieces of my life and moved to Abu Dhabi. As I have said before, and I will say it again....BEST decision made. I have thoroughly enjoyed my stay here, my traveling, the people I have met, the friends I have made, the new culture I have immersed myself into, and the learning experiences. It has defintely changed me for the better and shed a new light on life.

As I sit here today, and reflect on the reasons why I took this job, things happen for a reason...most reasons unknown and at the hands of God. And in all literal senses of the word faith, things have happened, good and bad. My questions, concerns, and pathway for life have come to light.....still remain unanswered....or just hasn't happened yet.

I took a leap of faith taking this job for career reasons. I had become very frustrated with teaching in the United States. I was searching for confirmation of whether or not I was in the right job field or I needed to move on. Don't get me wrong, I put 150% into my job as an educator, and I wouldn't take any of it back. I also know, not to sound selfish, I am darn good at my job. I have it in my blood to be a teacher, educate the future, and nurture....I truely believe that this is a job meant for me....just not right now. Unfortunately, this leap of faith has confirmed that for me...I will NOT be a teacher for the rest of my life....I just can't. I am going to have to put something that I am really good at to rest, at least for now, and move on.

Admitting personality flaws is always hard for someone to do. But, I must say, taking this job has certainly made it easier for me. Moving to a new culture, where things are done differently, lifestyle is different, priorities are different....really puts things in persepctive for you. I realize more so than ever (not that I didn't know this already) just how important family and friends are. I value those relationships a great deal, and appreciate everyone who has stuck by me through my soul searching, compromised their own lives for me to take this journey (esp. my parents), and just those people who are simply my friends...I really appreciate you for who you are, LOVE you with all of my heart, and miss you! Even greater, this experience has shed a new light on life. Granted, I am still a bit high strung, I still love a clean/organized home, a little uptight, and a little set in my ways...because some of these things make me happy, just being here 7 months has changed what I live life for. I was always concerned about that little black book with my appointments and "TO DO" lists, when things were going to get done, dirty dishes in the sink and why they aren't in the dishwasher, and why things weren't being done when and how I wanted them done. Although I will never completely change, I just have some of that in me, I realize there is an entire world out there to see and I can get to the dirty dishes later. And approaching 30, I haven't done enough....I want MORE! The things that I have seen, done, and experienced here in the UAE far surpass my boring old life, and has opened a whole new door.

The next door to open is my search for love. As they say, there is a soulmate out there for everyone, somewhere. I obviously wasn't having the best of luck in the States. So, why not take yet ANOTHER leap of faith, and assume that the one person I am meant to spend the rest of my life with is maybe clear across the world? Who knows, right? It is worth a shot. Well, it is time. I have been here long enough....adapted to my new life, schedule, and I spread my wings. Is that person here? Have I met this person already, and just don't know? Or yet, did I just meet the person, and great things are soon to come? Only time will tell, and I can only tell you about the time. So, for now, the door is open....hopefully soon to close.

Lastly, it has been amazing how FAST the last 7 months has come and gone! In roughly FIVE months, I will be making a trip back to the States to see my family, friends, my house, and my precious little babies (Bogart, Ninna, and Missy). In addition, my mother (I wish I could say my father too) will come to visit my new world and hopefully learn just why I love this place so much! :)

So, until then....I have new doors to open, some to close, and some to find.

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