Sunday, May 16, 2010

Picking up the Pieces

I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about my new journey. I am going to be able to see areas of the world that I NEVER thought I would see.

As a teacher, I knew that I wasn't going to be able to become a "world" traveler on my salary, so this job will allow me the opportunity to fulfill my dreams of seeing the world and seeing new things. This is an opportunity of a lifetime, that I couldn't resist....

With this journey, I have to detach from certain belongings and take BIG steps to learning how to leave behind the people and things that I love.

First and foremost,

My family and friends:

I love them and love that they are being so supportive! I hate that Dubai is so far away, but it is. They always say, " those that stick with you through the rough, the easy, and the different, are those of true friendship." This is a LONG way to continue being apart of a family, continuing a friendship, or a member of a BUNCO group, but I willl be back. Stick with me through this journey....stay in touch, keep being supportive, etc. I will come back to you....probably far more improved, a better person, and with so many cool stories!

My pets:

My parents have agreed to take and care for my 2 dogs and 1 cat for the two years that I am gone. I can't begin to express how grateful I am, as I know TWO dogs and a cat are a lot to handle....ecspecially my shar-pei, Ninna. I know they will grow to love my three treasures as much as I do! I couldn't think of two better people to take them.

My home:

As many of you know, I just recently bought a home (a year ago). I have put a huge amount of blood, tears, sweat, and hard work into this home. It is my pride and joy (aside from my family, friends, and pets) and have enjoyed seeing the progress I have made. Well, the home is on the market for lease. I am fearful of this, and I hope that I am proven wrong. Feel free to drive by when you are in the neighborhood and check on it! :)

So, here we are.....the room-mate has moved out, a POD is sitting in my driveway, and I am boxing/packing up my belongings to move out. My bags will be packed within the next couple of weeks and I will be ready to go!

1 comment:

  1. Erin, I'm so excited for you and very sad that I'm not going to have you leading the team at CeVMS. You are going to have a BLAST and have so many cool adventures! Enjoy and soak up every minute of this whole endeavor:) Love ya, J.J.
