Saturday, January 1, 2011

Anywhere but home....

Life abroad has led to so many cool experiences, the ability to meet so many new people, and a new life. And with that new life, there has to be new traditions made. I had not thought about such simple things, until the month of November rolled around. Thanksgiving had come and passed so quickly, I almost didn't realize the holidays were here!

Thanksgiving is a holiday, a day to really think about what you have to be grateful for. It is an appreciated holiday, but not my all time favorite. It is a holiday that puts me in my place, reunites family members after a long year, and basically starts the "holiday" season. Thanksgiving is the start to all good to is the reminder that my FAVORITE holiday is right around the corner. CHRISTMAS!

This year, 2010, Thanksgiving was spent in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. I had spent it with friends, around the city....just like any other day. It was okay that I wasn't at home, for I had missed Thanksgiving with the family before. Those long drives from Lubbock to Austin often times made me rethink the visit. So, it was normal/okay not being at "home" in Austin. The hardship would only come after.

This holiday season is different...for many reasons. First, being in a country where Christmas isn't celebrated, really can put a damper on the holiday season. Sure, the National Day lights are still illuminating the streets of Abu Dhabi...they are even red and green. There are stores with Christmas trees and Christmas decorations, but it isn't like home. I wasn't able to pull all my boxes down from the garage and decorate my home like a winter wonderland. But, then again, I am not at home in America. So, needless to say, this holiday season was a bit hard. Communication is hard....where I would usually call or send a text to friends to say "Happy Holidays", I didn' is too costly. Where I would usually be sitting around a fire with family and friends, I wasn't....I was in Abu Dhabi. Where I would be shopping and wrapping Christmas presents, I wasn't. Where I would be wrapping Christmas bandannas around my dog's necks, I didn't...I don't have them with me. And where I THOUGHT I would be spending Christmas in Abu Dhabi, semi- alone....I wasn't, there was an alternative.

There were very few of us that stayed back in the Emirates. A lot of people either went home or had a big trip planned. I had not thought that far in advance, but little did I know a trip was in my near future.

Last minute, within a 48 hour period, a friend and I decided to take a trip. We were going to be anywhere but home, so we decided to go to Turkey (Istanbul). By golly, we weren't going to spend it alone, we were going to spend the holidays doing something fun!

Since coming over to the UAE, I haven't taken any major trips...just around Abu Dhabi and Dubai. So going to Turkey was going to be GREAT! Heck, if I am not spending it with family and friends back home, why not spend it with friends traveling! :)

Istanbul, Turkey

What a fantastic experience! A country so rich in history, beauty, and atmosphere! It was so easy to fall in love with the country and it's people, it was hard to leave. The buildings and museums that make Turkey what it is, they were amazing to see. The streets of Turkey and everything they had to offer people/tourists. We had an absolute blast and I would highly recommend a trip there! I will definitely return for another trip.

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