Monday, October 18, 2010

You wouldn't expect anything less....

Back home in the States, anyone could tell you, the day to live for was FRIDAY! Friday was the last day of the work week and therefore, started your two day mental health days (weekend). What a person would do without those, I just couldn't tell you.

Here, in the United Arab Emirates, our weekend starts on Thursday. Thursday marks the last day of the work week, Friday is the Holy Day (nothing is open and there isn't much to do), and Saturday is our "Sunday" in the States, but acts like a Saturday (everything is open and there is plenty to do).

I used to say I LOVE weekends, and I looked very much forward to weekends. Now, I can say I LOVE weekends, I CAN'T WAIT for weekends, weekends couldn't come FAST enough, I WORK for weekends, weekends are NOT long enough here, etc. Yes, that is right....I wake up Sunday morning (1st day of work) dreaming about my next weekend....I get through the week, counting down the hours until the weekend starts. I have never LOVED weekends as much as I do now, until I became a teacher in the UAE!

Not that my weekends are special, or I do anything over the top. Just the mere fact that I am run down to complete exhaustion and beat to a bloody pulp, the two days of not seeing bratty little 3rd graders, listening to them speak Arabic/call me names in Arabic, being able to talk without screaming and yelling, and just plain enjoy myself is well, like smelling roses! It is as enjoyable as that first bite into a chilled Gala apple, the smell and taste of my Starbucks caramel machiatto, and the feeling you get after the best nights sleep. I can seriously say, these two days are what I LIVE for in this country!

This past weekend, I would say is one of my over the top days, I had the pleasure of experiencing for the first Abu Dhabi hospital.

Last Wednesday (October 13th) I had decided to wear a brand new pair of shoes that I bought from the mall. A good brand....purchased from Aldos, all leather, slip on flats. I had received several compliments on them throughout the day. Until about mid-way through the afternoon, as they started rubbing blisters on my feet. :( Stuck, as I didn't have another pair of shoes to switch to, I continued about my day. As soon as I got home, I switched to another pair of shoes, and went about the rest of my day.

Thursday (October 14th), last day of the work week, I wear my trusty reef flip flops to school. Happy as usual, for my weekend is just hours away, I am walking up and down the isles of the classroom, checking the work of my students. I turn my head, making a step forward and I have an unfortunate run in with the bottom of a rolly backpack. Yup, I have just jammed my two small toes, also where the blister is located, into the bottom of one of my kiddos backpack. Not just any backpack, but one built of metal, heavy duty, 4 wheels, and heavy. As if this kid were leaving on the next jet plane, and going backpacking through the Alps! Oh my, the pain was like no other! Of course, my toes start bleeding, so I ask my student teacher to watch the class as I go over to the nurse.

Finally through the day and back at home, my foot is sore. It felt as though I had a broken toe or two (not an unusual experience for me) and a blister the size of Mount Everest. I thought it would heal just fine, just keep it clean. But, as the weekend went on, the pain worsened. I couldn't put a shoe on my foot, and the swelling just kept growing. So, with a "little help from my friends", Barbara had talked my into going to the doctor.

Fear of the unknown set in....I am still in a "new" place, which I call home now. But, I had not been to a doctor here, and things just aren't the same as they are in the States. The uneasy feeling set in, and I just lost it....cried like a baby, for fear that I was to navigate my way through this city, find parking for my car, walk into a hospital that I didn't know, and everything was going to be okay? hmmm. Thank the lord above, Barbara offered to go with me!

The hospital was crowded, a lot of people there for misc. reasons, none of which I cared to ask. The lady at the front desk, probably only understanding half of what I told her, sent me to orthopedics. Why?? I told her that I just needed a general practitioner, not a specialist, but she insisted. Only to find out that the wait time was 1.5 hours....I DON'T THINK SO! I was later taken to the ER, wait time ZERO! I was taken care of within minutes! Because of all the dirt, sand, and grime here, the blister had become infected. So, between the pain of bashing my toes into what felt like cement and an infected wound, I felt like I was about to lose my foot. Tender to the touch, cleaning and bandaging my foot was like driving a knife through my leg. The doctor was lucky I didn't kick him in the face with my other foot.

Bandage on, three prescriptions, and a note to stay off my foot for two days....WE WERE OFF!

I have enjoyed the past two days....relaxing, sleeping...watching TV....etc. Back to reality, as I will go hobbling into work again tomorrow. Thank goodness for the short week!

Thanks to my wonderful friend Barbara, who without her, I probably wouldn't have gone to see a doctor.

Overall experience, things were pleasant. Although I hope I don't every have to make another trip, it isn't as horrible as I had imagined. Things were taken care of and I feel better.

Until then, I hobble around, bandage intact and medications to kill....

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